Native Game Harvested 2000-2009

(click on pictures to enlarge)


Mgt. white-tailed buck 10/06 - 10 points; gross 119 1/8


Cull white-tailed buck 10/06 - 5 points; gross 71 6/8


Mgt. white-tailed buck 10/06 - 10 points; gross 128 4/8


Mgt. white-tailed buck 12/06 - 10 points; gross 132

 trophy whitetail

Trophy white-tailed buck 11/06 - 10 points; gross 140 2/8


Mgt. white-tailed buck 1/07 - 8 points; gross 120 1/8


Mgt. white-tailed buck 1/07 - 12 points; gross 124 1/8


Mgt. white-tailed buck 11/06 - 8 points; gross 113 7/8


Mgt. white-tailed buck 11/06 - 8 points; gross 120 1/8

8 point whitetail buck

Cull mgt. white-tailed buck   11/05 - 8 points   72  B&C gross     

9 point whitetail

Mgt. white-tailed buck  12/05   9 points  119 6/8 B&C gross 

8 pt whitetail

Mgt. buck-- girl’s first whitetail 

12/05 - 8 points 101 B&C

trophy 9 pt.

Trophy white-tailed

buck  11/05 - 9 points 

131 B&C gross

14 pt. trophy buck

Trophy white-tailed buck 11/05 - 14 points; gross 159 4/8

8 pt whitetail

2 Cull white-tailed bucks  12/05 - 8 pts; 6pts.  72 7/8; 71 6/8 B&C gross

6 pt. white-tailed buck8 pt whitetail

The Brown bucks: 2 awesome mgt. whitetails: both 8 pts.  12/05 123 4/8 &121 B&C gross

8 pt whitetail6 pt whitetail

Cull buck   11/05 - 6 points   64 4/8  B&C gross     

8 pt whitetail

Mgt. white-tailed

buck  1/06 - 8 points 

104 B&C gross

rio grande gobblers

4 - 10” gobblers on a weekend hunt.  One hunter got 3 the other got 1. 5/07

rio grande gobblers
rio grande turkey

Rio Grande Turkey  4/04

9 3/4 inch beard


Trophy buck  1/05 - 10 points; 132 1/8 B&C .  Mainframe 8 pt. with 2 kickers.

8 point white-tailed buck

Trophy white-tailed buck 12/01 - 8 points   131 6/8 B&C gross      131 1/8 net

8 point white-tailed buck

Mgt. white-tailed buck  12/01   8 points  112 B&C gross 

Mgt. white-tailed buck  11/01 - 8 points  110 B&C gross

8 point white-tailed buck13 point trophy whitetail

Trophy white-tailed buck 

11/02 - 13 points 133 B&C


Cull Mgt. white-tailed

buck  11/02 - 10 points 

75 B&C gross

6 pt. white-tailed buck

Cull Mgt. white-tailed buck  11/02 - 6 points  84 B&C


Bobcat     1/03

cull 6 pt.

Cull Mgt. white-tailed

buck  12/03 - 6 points 

73 B&C gross

10 and 6 pt.

Mgt. and cull white-tailed buck  12/03 - 10 and 6 points; 118 B&C and 85 B&C

trophy whitetail

Trophy white-tailed buck 11/04 - 17 points; 154 B&C gross.  Mainframe 8 pt. with kickers.

7 pt.

Cull white-tailed buck.  11/04 - 7 scoreable points; 87 B&C gross. 

6 pt.

Cull  white-tailed buck 1/05 - 6 points

Rio Grande turkey 4/07

 9 3/4” beard

Rio Grande turkey 4/07  9” beard

Rio Grande turkey; 9 1/2” beard  5/07

Trophy white-tailed buck 11/07 - 12 points; gross 145 7/8

Mgt. white-tailed buck 12/07 - 11 points; gross 128 3/8

Mgt. white-tailed buck 11/07 - 8 points; gross 128 1/8

2 Mgt. white-tailed bucks 11/07 11 points; gross 122 1/8

10pt.; gross 118 1/8

Trophy white-tailed buck 1/08 - 9 points; gross 136 6/8  One of the hardest and longest hunts I’ve had.  A very elusive buck.

Rio Grande gobbler 4/08 - 6 1/4” beard

Rio Grande gobbler 5/08 - 9 1/2” beard

Rio Grande gobbler 4/08 - 10”  beard

trophy white-tailed buck 11/08 - 10 points; gross 131 7/8

Mgt. white-tailed buck 11/08 - 8 points; gross 113 1/8

Mgt. white-tailed buck 11/08 - 10 points; gross 126 2/8

Trophy white-tailed buck 1/09 -

20 points; gross 182 b&c