Exotic Animals Harvested 2001-2009

super gold axis buck

Super Gold Axis Buck

    Trophy axis buck   8/03

        153 4/8 SCI gross

Axis buck

Trophy axis buck    11/02

137 SCI gross

Gold medal R.O.E.


Blackbuck Antelope  3/03

(click on pictures to enlarge)

Spotted Fallow buck

Trophy spotted Fallow 11/02

corsican ram

Barbado Ram  


corsican ram

Barbado Ram 


SCI = Safari Club International

ROE = Record of Exotics

blackbuck antelope

Blackbuck Antelope 2/04 Bronze medal R.O.E.  18 1/2” horns.

axis buck

Trophy Axis Buck  5/04

137 2/8 SCI gross

Gold medal R.O.E.

blackbuck antelope

Blackbuck Antelope 11/04 Bronze medal R.O.E.  19” horns

fallow buck

White Fallow buck  11/04

corsican ram

White faced ram  1/05

blackbuck antelope

Blackbuck antelope  2/05  23” horns  64” ROE Gold medal ROE

axis buck

Bronze medal axis  6/05 

126 2/8 ROE

corsican ram

White faced  blonde ram  1/05    Silver medal - 88 6/8 ROE

axis buck

Gold medal axis 6/05

141 ROE

a doulbe axis harvest

axis does - bow and rifle—husband/wife team 2/05

corsican ram

Corsican ram 2/06

axis buck

Trophy axis buck 9/06  Silver medal

128 5/8 ROE

corsican ram

Trophy corsican ram 9/06  Silver medal

axis buck

Trophy axis buck 10/06  Silver medal 133 2/8 ROE

scimitar-horned oryx

Trophy scimitar-horned oryx 11/06  gold medal 87 3/8 ROE

axis buck

Trophy axis buck 12/06  bronze medal

corsican ram

Corsican ram 1/0

corsican ram

Corsican ram 3/0

Silver medal 86 1/8

Corsican ram 5/0

Gold medal 103 2/8

Scimitar-horned oryx 12/07 Gold medal

84 6/8 ROE

Corsican Ram 12/07

Black Hawaiian Ram 1/08  Silver medal ROE 93 1/8 

Black Hawaiian Ram 2/08  bronze medal ROE 80 3/8 

Spotted Fallow 2/08  bronze medal ROE 83 4/8 

Huge trophy axis  gold medal  146 6/8 ROE  4/08

Huge trophy 6x6 red stag; gold medal  234 7/8 ROE  9/08 

Trophy fallow; silver medal  93 3/8 ROE  10/08

Scimitar-horned oryx; 71 3/8 ROE  2/09

Blackbuck antelope; 48 4/8 ROE  2/09

Trophy axis; gold medal  134 3/8 ROE  2/09

Trophy red stag; gold medal  198  ROE  2/09

Trophy Corsican ram; silver medal  92 7/8 ROE  2/09

Jacob’s 4 horn ram; 127 7/8 ROE  Gold medal 3/09

Super Gold axis; 158 1/8 ROE  Gold medal 3/09

Trophy blackbuck antelope; 63 5/8 ROE  Gold medal 3/09

Trophy axis; 136 ROE  Gold medal 5/09

Trophy Corsican ram; 87 1/8 ROE  Silver medal 10/09

Trophy blackbuck; 60 5/8 ROE  Gold medal 11/09